Hmmm. Yum. What else is there to say about biscuits, the anytime delicious snack of delicious flakiness slathered in butter and other various condiments and such like. I like them a lot. They are so simple and delicious and make me go nyom nyom nyom. Because I like them. I do not deface mine with gravy (sorry if i have offended any biscuits and gravy lovers, its just not my thing) gravy just doesn't go with biscuits, in my opinion. But butter and jam/jelly and honey do. Annnywho, I know you don't actually care about my opinions, you just care about food. Delicious, delicious food. I would be inclined to agree with you on this, I mean I am not even interested in my own opinions when i could have food instead. So.
Ingredients: Flour, Salt, Baking Powder, Milk, Butter
This is the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl on the mixer stand. I don't know why i used the mixer, as this is one of the few recipes I can make without it. Thats right, I'm lazy, too lazy to give up my kitchen aid. I love my kitchen aid. I allows me to be lazy. And I like that.
So then you put some butter in there, especially if its the freakish colored butter like we have here. That makes it taste better. I should know. My butter is a freakish yellow color.
Now heres the part where it says you can use a pastry blender or two knives. Ive tried the whole two knives thing, its not so great, its hard. It does not allow me to be lazy. They should invent a pastry cutter part for the kitchen aid. That would be nice.
And then, just for kicks and giggles, lets add some milk. But just for kicks and giggles. This picture is the wrong way round for kicks and giggles as well. Also for lazy. Hooray. I was goiong to start a team of cheerleaders for lazy people, but then it sounded like a lot of work.
You know what I think? I think we should roll out the dough. But only after kneading it a bit. Kneading tings is one of my greatest pleasures in life. Great for anger management. Although crying isn't so great while you're kneading tings, because then the dough gets all salty. And too much salt does not taste good in things like bagels. Unless thats what you're going for. Salt bagels. In which case, cry away.
So then if you happen to be fancy like me cut them with a biscuit cutter, if you are not, use a cup. Now this part is very important (since Cooks Illustrated told me so) do not twist the biscuit cutter!!! This will result in deformed, lopsided biscuits, and they will not be half as pretty as you want them to be!
Still after. And looking delicious, if i do say so myself.
Now break it in half and butter the dang thing.
And utilize the culinary deliciousness of jam! Strawberry jam!
Or honey! Honey that doesn't look like honey in this picture but is honey, I promise!
Kay, so heres the recipe from the Joy of Cooking
Rolled Biscuits
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons chilled butter
3/4 cup milk
Mix baking powder, flour and salt. Cut in with pastry blender or 2 knives the butter. Make a well in the center and pour in the milk, stir, knead about 8 times then roll cut with biscuit cutter or glass and bake at 450 degrees for about 12-15 min. Enjoy.