This is titled pseudo chicken tetrazzini because it uses rice instead of noodles. But come on now, do you really want noodles in your peppers? Well, I suppose that if you do you can substitute noodles for the rice. But you won't get any sympathy from me when it is really weird and you don't want to eat it. This recipe is enough to fill one pepper, so it is quite a bit smaller than our rainbow chicken tetrazzini recipe. If you want more, go look at it. (http://theocake.blogspot.com/2008/03/chicken-tetrizini-its-rainbow.html)
Or else you can multiply the recipe on this page.
Now go forth and eat some peppers.

Ingredients: Red Pepper (although any color works, they all taste about the same), Chicken, Butter, Flour, Rice, Cooking Sherry, Heavy Cream, Salt, Pepper, and Chicken Broth.

Make yourself a roux with the butter and flour. Throw some cream in there as well. Just because you can.

Now add some chicken broth. But not just because you can this time, this time do it because you have to.

Now add some sherry. You don't actually want very much, so be careful. Too much sherry equals people getting drunk off stuffed peppers. Or something like that. Also, you see that pot behind the one we are adding sherry to? There is a chicken breast boiling in there. You should do that.

You should also cook some rice. Rice rice rice is nice nice nice. It looks like lice!(it doesn't taste like lice...or really resemble it for that matter...)

Also, scoop out the innards of your pepper. Pepper innards don't taste good with this dish. In fact, they don't taste good with anything.

Now toss that sauce you made into a bowl. Add some chickens. And some rice. You can decide the exact ratio of sauce to chicken to rice. The ones in the recipe below are simply suggestions.

Now shove it in that pepper. Shove it in there good.

You know what would be good on this pepper? Some breadcrumbs. And some parmesan cheese. Yes, that would be real good. Lets do it.

In fact, lets dot that sucker with butter. And lets also realize that this pepper looks way prettier in real life. Don't be so dang judgmental.

See now...this is what it looks like after some time in the oven, wrapped in aluminum foil. I like aluminum foil. Lets all take a moment and do an aluminum foil dance.

This is what the inside looks like. Yes, I realize it looks like porridge. Eat it anyway. You won't be sorry.
Psuedo-Chicken Tetrazzini Pepper1 red pepper
1 boiled/cooked chicken breast
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon flour
1/6 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 teaspoon sherry
1/2 cup cooked rice
bread crumbs
parmesan cheese
Make a roux with the butter and flour.Pour the heavy cream in to the roux and then the chicken broth after it is all well mixed in.Next, pour the sherry into the mixture.Cut the chicken into cubes.Combine the chicken,the sauce,and the rice.Stuff the pepper with the combined ingredients. Sprinkle bread crumbs and cheese on the opening of the pepper and dot with butter.Bake the pepper wrapped in aluminum foil for thirty-forty five minutes. Bake it at 350 degrees. Eat and enjoy when the stuffed pepper is done baking.