This is a cookie cake. Its just what it sounds like, it is cake with cookie dough baked in and cookies crumbled into, on top of, and all around the frosting.
We used chocolate chip cookies and yellow cake, but you could use any combination your little heart desires!
Just imagine a super moist castle so awesome that it is fit for the most amazing and delicious royalty, with a moat of delicious frosting, filled with delicious alligators made of cookies that sing "BUTTER, BUTTER is so yummy it goes lard-o in my tummy"!!!
Then multiply that by 4, because big girl, you are beautiful!

Were gonna make the cookies first, our ingredients are:
Flour, Baking Soda, Salt, BUTTER, granulated Sugar, Brown Sugar (sugar is so racist), Vanilla, Eggs, Chocolate Chips

Put your baking soda, flour and salt in bowl and mix it up, then set it aside.

Next were going to put our BUTTER,granulated sugar, brown sugar and vanilla into a large mixing bowl.

Mix that too, until it is creamy and delicious.

Next, add the eggs one at a time beating after each addition.

mmm, eggy goodness

Now toss your dry ingredients that we mixed earlier in there, and mix those up too!

Then add your chocolate chips, we didnt have a full bag, but you should, chocolate chips are delicious.

Then put them on an ungreased cookie sheet and cook them at 375 for 9 -11 min.
Don't use all the cookie dough making cookies, as we're going to put some in the cake a little later, make about 2 dozen cookies, and save the rest of the cookie dough

yum. make sure they're relatively crispy, so they crumble easily.

Okey dokey, now lets make our cake!
Heres the ingredients:
Cake Mix (you can make a cake from scratch, if you want to be pretentious, but i think processed is just dandy!), Vegetable Oil, Eggs, Water

and, of course, our Baked Cookies, and the Cookie Dough we set aside

Put the eggs, oil, water and cake mix in a bowl and mix it up.

Then BUTTER and flour some pans for baking the cake in.
You could also use Pam with flour if you like, but we didn't have that nifty invention on hand at the time.

Just spread the butter all over the pan, add some flour, tap the pan so the flour covers everything and then dump out the extra flour in the sink!

Pour your batter into the pans, and then plop in lots of cookie dough! The first time we made this we didn't use enough cookie dough, and that was a mistake, you couldn't even tell it was there!
so don't skimp.

Put it into the oven for the amount of time on the box (or recipe if you're fancy) which was 24-29 min at 350 for us.

Then we get to make the frosting pretty, crumble some cookies into half of the frosting, we're using 2 cans of frosting, but if you want to pretend to be healthy, go ahead and use just one, and split it in half.

So we crumbled enough cookies into 1 can of frosting so that it looks like this.

and then since we had funfetti frosting, which of course does not make us fancy or pretentious just festive, we dumped that in there too.

Here are our cakes.

and now were gonna spread the cookie filled frosting in the middle of the two cakes...

and on the top of them... and then the other half of your frosting (the plain stuff) on the side.

Then we crumble more cookies on the top.

and put some whole ones around the side as well!
There you go, a delicious, nutritious cookie cake! (the nutritious part was false advertising...)
Okay here is the exact recipe for the Original Nestle Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies
2 1/4 cups flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
1 cup (2 sticks) BUTTER, softened
3/4 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 large eggs
2 cups(12 oz. package)NESTLE TOLL HOUSE semi-sweet chocolate morsels
1 cup chopped nuts (not included in this baking venture but always a possibility)
Preheat:oven to 375
Combine: flour,baking soda, and salt in a small bowl. Beat BUTTER,granulated sugar,brown sugar, and vanilla extract in large mixer until creamy.Add eggs one at a time.Beating after each addition.Gradually beat in flour mixture.Stir in morsels and nuts.dropped by rounded teaspoonful onto ungreased baking sheets.Bake for 9-12 minutes or until golden brown.Cool on baking sheets for two minutes.Remove to wire racks to cool.
Makes five dozen cookies.
(we used Betty Crocker Super Moist Yellow Cake)
Follow instructions on the box, or in your recipe.
1 comment:
i like-a da-cookie!
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