So, I've always loved the idea of making my own noodles, and as ti turns out, its really quite easy, contrary to popular belief...
so anyhoo, i'm going to prove myself right and show you just how easy it is!
Ingredients: Flour, Salt, Egg, Milk
Mix flour, salt, egg and milk
yes, just like that
then roll it out
I would like to just take a moment to expound (is that a real word, expound, and if so, what does it really mean?) on the amazing-ness of this knife
Just look at it. Is that no the prettiest knife you have ever seen in the history of all knife-dom? It is so sharp, and it was given the highest of recommendations by cooks illustrated. Cooks Illustrated is amazing...but thats a story for another day, today i am talking about my knife. My knife that will cut anything, while looking still looking gorgeous and shiny. The handle is surprisingly comfortable. And its just so PRETTY. I just cant get over that...that knife could go through a war and come out all sparkly and sharp, ready to tackle my next project with me....but you probably want to make some noodles, don't you, so lets get back to that...
You want to roll out you dough pretty darn thin, and then cut it into any shape you like
thats what i like most about making my own noodles, i get to decide on the much power! It's intoxicating!
I'm going to cut them again, just so i can feel good about myself.
Then you put them into pretty shapes and put them somewhere to dry for 2 or 3 hours. You should probably flip them over about halfway thorough.
Wooo! Noodles! Its ok if they're not completely dry, you're going to throw them into a pot of wetness (water) anyway!
so first you boil some water, you can be cool like me and cook some vegetables on the back burner simultaneously if you like.
And then you cook them in the pot of boiling water.
And drain them. And eat them!
See now, wasn't that easy?
the answer is yes.
Noodle Dough
1 Cup Flour
1 Egg
2 Tbsp Milk
1 tsp salt
Mix 'em together. Roll 'em out. Cook 'em up.
That is so astonishing! I thought they would be hard to make and require servants to roll out the dough.
Ah, very good. You have demonstrated the beauty of noodle-making in its quintessential form. Great noodles to you.
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