Ello mates todays we are cooking something delicious that involves CHICKEN,which means that the delicious part was really unnecessary to point out.After all the word chicken is synonymous with CHICKEN just like BUTTER.Take that dictionary.com...okay so we've got our ingredients here and they include CHICKEN,flour with salt and pepper,vinegar,brown sugar, and half and half.

Take a nice piece of raw meat and roll it around in the flour like a pig in a mud sty.

now you need to add some yummy vinegar and brown sugar to the frying pan.now please use your imagination here with me,can't you just see how the measuring spoons levitated over to the pan all on its own like matilda and the spoonful of cheerios.oh no our secret is out we are telepathic...oh yeah just a side note if you are not telepathic then you cannot cook this...

add the apple cider.


add some half and half,although you should really use some heavy cream,unfortunately we only had a cow that produced half and half,because the heavy heifers cost more....she may only produce half and half,but don't plow with my heifer!


Chicken and butter frying in a pan in perfect harmony,tis beautiful.

oh my goodness, oh my goodness gracious! would you look at that...
No i wouldn't.....

Flip that chicken like your in freaking sea world.Let your dolphin be a chicken breast.

okay you did it!

now let your chicken-like dolphins swim in a sea of delicious apple cider.

here is the finished product.I think it looks really good!
Awww right! so here's the complete recipe!
Apple Cider Chicken (from Cider: A Nectar For All Seasons)
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
2 T brown sugar
6 T apple cider vinegar
1 quart apple cider
1/4 cup heavy cream
Seasoned flour
Toss chicken breasts in flour, set aside. Put brown sugar and vinegar in a (large, very large) skillet, stir and bring to a boil, let brown sugar start to caramelise (2-3 min). Add apple cider, bring to a boil, let simmer for about 10 min. Add heavy cream and salt+pepper to taste. Melt some butter in a saute pan, add floured chicken, cook over medium heat until golden brown, cook until the juices run clear when the chicken is peirced. Place the chicken breast in the sauce while you cook the others.
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