For those of you who like your sandwiches pre-squished, this post is for you. Now I realize that making grilled cheese sandwiches with an iron is not an original idea, but after watching
Benny and Joon (an awesome movie) we decided that it sounded super fun, and once we realized how awesome the sandwiches were, we decided to share them with you. So go forth and iron!

Ingredients: Cheese (sliced), Bread, Wax Paper (optional), there is butter in the picture but I wouldn't suggest using it unless you like soggy grilled cheese sandwiches.

First of all, you will probably want to put some wax paper on the ironing board, just in case there is any cheese leakage. Next put some bread on the wax paper. Next put some cheese on the bread. Whooph, that was difficult, but you made it. Move on to the next step with a sense of accomplishment.

Here's where you get a choice! You can put some wax paper on top of the bread if you are afraid of serious cheese leakage, but I wouldn't be, if I were you. Anyhow, if you put wax paper on top be careful to keep checking that it hasn't melted onto the bread.

If you are not lame and don't need wax paper, just go at it with an iron on high-ish power. Iron one side till it is crispy, then iron the other side till it is crispy and the cheese is melted.

See! The cheese is melted! Delicious grilled cheese sandwich! Om nom nom!
Put cheese on bread. Iron.
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